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Media Relations

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"A Matter of Life and Death: Mike Alvarez Explores the Interplay of Trauma, Creativity and Suicide," by Susan Dumais. UNH Today, 18 Dec. 2020. LINK TO ARTICLE


"Graduate Student Serves as Visiting Scholar at Goddard College." Office of News & Media Relations, UMass-Amherst. 25 Aug. 2017. LINK TO ARTICLE


"Stories as Lifeblood." Lessons from a Radical Model. WGDR, Plainfield, VT. 16 Aug. 2017.


"Life and Death, Suicide and Mental Health." Ethereal: Possibilities of a Floating Particle of Dust. WGDR, Plainfield, VT. 15 Aug. 2017. LINK TO SOUND FILE


"#MyAAPIStory: Mike Alvarez." StoryCorps interview with Family Archive in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. 23-28 May 2016.


"Celebrity Chat E4 - Mike Alvarez and Dr. Jackie Raphael Discuss Celebrity Suicides." Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies. YouTube, 22 Oct. 2015. LINK TO VIDEO

"Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship - Mike Alvarez." Pilipino American Unity for Progress, Inc. (UNIPRO). Interview. 7 Sept. 2015. LINK TO INTERVIEW


"Two Filipinos are Awardees of the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans." The Filipino Express, 27 Mar. - 2 Apr. 2015, p. 9. PDF OF ARTICLE


"On the Rise: New American Fellow Brings Silenced Narratives into Discourse," by Samantha Kolber. Clockworks, Fall/Winter 2014, p. 34  LINK TO ARTICLE


"The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans: Announcing the Class of 2014" in The New York Times (9 May 2014) and The Chronicle of Higher Education (5 Sept. 2014). PDF OF AD 


"Two Rutgers Graduates are First from New Brunswick to Win Soros Fellowships for New Americans," by Carl Blesch. Rutgers Today, 10 Apr. 2014.  LINK TO ARTICLE

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